May 68 in Paris
Paris College of Art, Paris
Gabriel Rockhill
Claire Potter
Laurel Parker
Many thanks also to Cécile Pocheau-Lesteven for showing us the Aspen magazine at the BNF.
Melika Aljukic
Guillermo Sanchez Arsuaga
Joey Cheung
Gabriela Enid Davila
Sara Herrera Dixon
Percibald Garcia
Shiran Geng
Sophie Hamer
Winki Ip
Han Na Kim
ELizaveta Levit
Samir Skayni
Sally Stott
Emily Trumer
Se Yan
Photographs by Caroline Rabourdin and workshop participants — All Rights Reserved / Reproduction Interdite
Aspen magazine, Bibliothèque Richelieu, Estampes Contemporaines et Livres d’Artistes
Aspen magazine, Bibliothèque Richelieu, Estampes Contemporaines et Livres d’Artistes
Aspen magazine, Bibliothèque Richelieu, Estampes Contemporaines et Livres d’Artistes
Aspen magazine, Bibliothèque Richelieu, Estampes Contemporaines et Livres d’Artistes
Lecture by Gabriel Rockhill, 'May 68 Philosophy' and the Global War of Ideas.
Exhibition Icons of May 68 at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Exhibition Icons of May 68 at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Exhibition Icons of May 68 at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Seminar with Claire Potter.
— photo by Emily Priest
Presentation on ‘Blank and Illegible Books’ by Moritz Kung at the Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Pompidou Centre.
— photo by Emily Priest
Bookbinding Workshop with Laurel Parker.
Bookbinding Workshop with Laurel Parker.
Bookbinding Workshop with Laurel Parker.
Final Reading at Café A, Maison de l’Architecture, Couvent des Récollets.
Final Reading at Café A, Maison de l’Architecture, Couvent des Récollets.